image above via On Our Side of Life Blog
This week our HOTW is a plantation in the low country. Situated between Charleston and Savannah, this stunning property would be a fabulous retreat.

It was built in 1770 and has been fully restored. From the Davant Plantation website (the property is for sale):
The property's original 100 acres date to 1770 as a King's Grant given to John Hobard by King George III of England. In 1828, Richard James Davant, signer of the Ordinance of Secession, bought the property and began adding adjacent acres. During the War Between the States, Sherman's army burned the original house, leaving intact two cabins which were used as the kitchen and laundry. Soon thereafter, another nearby Davant family residence (circa 1820) was moved to the present location to replace the original plantation home.
In 1938, Davant was purchased by the Berol family, founders of the Eagle Pencil Company. The Berols added two wings to the main house and commissioned extensive restoration that included the magnificent woodwork. At this time they also added guest cottages, dog kennels and the stables making it a complete sporting property. In 1940 Mrs. Berol painted the murals in the main house dining room which have survived beautifully.
Davant was purchased by the current owners in 1991. They continued to improve the plantation, with conservation and wildlife management being their focus, into the world class sporting property it is today.

Some interior photographs from the website:

entrance hall

living room

dining room

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