Around this time of year, I usually start dreaming about where to travel next. The few months ahead are going to be the darkest and coldest ones, so this sort of daydreaming activity keeps me warm. For three years my boyfriend and I have traveled every spring, since we found the prices to be more interesting and the spots we visit to be less crowded. This year we might have to wait until next fall due to his new work schedule.
Last time we were having a hard time to choose between two destinations. As you saw in one of my past posts, we went to the French Riviera in southern France. The other option was to go to the Amalfi Coast in Italy. This year's decision won't be to hard, we'll choose last year's option number two. Beautiful Italy it is! We will land in Naples and from there drive to Sorrento were we'll be staying.
All the villages along the coast offer spectacular views and have breathtaking natural landscapes that surround them. The mountains are sugar coated with different coloured houses that seem to defy the laws of gravity. All I can say is, I can't wait.